Sunday, July 6, 2008

Summerfest obeys whiney wacko fringe moonbat activists

On July 1st there were reports coming in that Summerfest was requesting that the Army remove their simulator video game. The request was made, supposedly due to complaints received by the Summerfest office.
It was later discovered that many of the complaints were artifically manufactured by the wacko fringe moonbat activist groups, Peace Action Wisconsin, and Veterans For Peace.
Bowing to the whiney pressure from these fringe activist groups, the Army was forced to shut down their simulation. However, they were able to replace the simulation with a target practice game, thanks to the phone calls of concientious patriots. Summerfest would later make a statement, excusing their weak behavior.
According to their website, Peace Action Wisconsin intends to meet with Summerfest officials to press the matter further, which they hope will include discussion about the presence of the U.S. military at Summerfest. Veterans For Peace continue to encourage folks to call Summerfest to shut down the exhibit.
The fact that a major festival like Summerfest bends to the whims of wacko fringe activist groups such as these may be another reason, to simply leave Wisconsin. Particularly, when real life instances of actual violence are perpetrated at festivals, without any recognition or reponse by these groups, or by government leadership.

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